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peak_widths(x, peaks, rel_height=0.5, prominence_data=None, wlen=None)

This function calculates the width of a peak in samples at a relative distance to the peak's height and prominence.


The basic algorithm to calculate a peak's width is as follows:

As shown above to calculate a peak's width its prominence and bases must be known. You can supply these yourself with the argument :None:None:`prominence_data`. Otherwise, they are internally calculated (see peak_prominences ).



x : sequence

A signal with peaks.

peaks : sequence

Indices of peaks in x.

rel_height : float, optional

Chooses the relative height at which the peak width is measured as a percentage of its prominence. 1.0 calculates the width of the peak at its lowest contour line while 0.5 evaluates at half the prominence height. Must be at least 0. See notes for further explanation.

prominence_data : tuple, optional

A tuple of three arrays matching the output of peak_prominences when called with the same arguments x and :None:None:`peaks`. This data are calculated internally if not provided.

wlen : int, optional

A window length in samples passed to peak_prominences as an optional argument for internal calculation of :None:None:`prominence_data`. This argument is ignored if :None:None:`prominence_data` is given.



If :None:None:`prominence_data` is supplied but doesn't satisfy the condition 0 <= left_base <= peak <= right_base < x.shape[0] for each peak, has the wrong dtype, is not C-contiguous or does not have the same shape.


widths : ndarray

The widths for each peak in samples.

width_heights : ndarray

The height of the contour lines at which the :None:None:`widths` where evaluated.

left_ips, right_ips : ndarray

Interpolated positions of left and right intersection points of a horizontal line at the respective evaluation height.

Calculate the width of each peak in a signal.




Raised if any calculated width is 0. This may stem from the supplied :None:None:`prominence_data` or if :None:None:`rel_height` is set to 0.

See Also


Find peaks inside a signal based on peak properties.


Calculate the prominence of peaks.


>>> from scipy.signal import chirp, find_peaks, peak_widths
... import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Create a test signal with two overlayed harmonics

>>> x = np.linspace(0, 6 * np.pi, 1000)
... x = np.sin(x) + 0.6 * np.sin(2.6 * x)

Find all peaks and calculate their widths at the relative height of 0.5 (contour line at half the prominence height) and 1 (at the lowest contour line at full prominence height).

>>> peaks, _ = find_peaks(x)
... results_half = peak_widths(x, peaks, rel_height=0.5)
... results_half[0] # widths array([ 64.25172825, 41.29465463, 35.46943289, 104.71586081, 35.46729324, 41.30429622, 181.93835853, 45.37078546])
>>> results_full = peak_widths(x, peaks, rel_height=1)
... results_full[0] # widths array([181.9396084 , 72.99284945, 61.28657872, 373.84622694, 61.78404617, 72.48822812, 253.09161876, 79.36860878])

Plot signal, peaks and contour lines at which the widths where calculated

>>> plt.plot(x)
... plt.plot(peaks, x[peaks], "x")
... plt.hlines(*results_half[1:], color="C2")
... plt.hlines(*results_full[1:], color="C3")
See :

Back References

The following pages refer to to this document either explicitly or contain code examples using this.

scipy.signal._peak_finding_utils._peak_widths scipy.signal._peak_finding._arg_peaks_as_expected scipy.signal._peak_finding._arg_x_as_expected scipy.signal._peak_finding.peak_prominences scipy.signal._peak_finding._arg_wlen_as_expected scipy.signal._peak_finding.find_peaks scipy.signal._peak_finding.peak_widths

Local connectivity graph

Hover to see nodes names; edges to Self not shown, Caped at 50 nodes.

Using a canvas is more power efficient and can get hundred of nodes ; but does not allow hyperlinks; , arrows or text (beyond on hover)

SVG is more flexible but power hungry; and does not scale well to 50 + nodes.

All aboves nodes referred to, (or are referred from) current nodes; Edges from Self to other have been omitted (or all nodes would be connected to the central node "self" which is not useful). Nodes are colored by the library they belong to, and scaled with the number of references pointing them

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type: <class 'function'>