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firwin(numtaps, cutoff, width=None, window='hamming', pass_zero=True, scale=True, nyq=None, fs=None)

This function computes the coefficients of a finite impulse response filter. The filter will have linear phase; it will be Type I if :None:None:`numtaps` is odd and Type II if :None:None:`numtaps` is even.

Type II filters always have zero response at the Nyquist frequency, so a ValueError exception is raised if firwin is called with :None:None:`numtaps` even and having a passband whose right end is at the Nyquist frequency.


numtaps : int

Length of the filter (number of coefficients, i.e. the filter order + 1). :None:None:`numtaps` must be odd if a passband includes the Nyquist frequency.

cutoff : float or 1-D array_like

Cutoff frequency of filter (expressed in the same units as :None:None:`fs`) OR an array of cutoff frequencies (that is, band edges). In the latter case, the frequencies in :None:None:`cutoff` should be positive and monotonically increasing between 0 and :None:None:`fs/2`. The values 0 and :None:None:`fs/2` must not be included in :None:None:`cutoff`.

width : float or None, optional

If :None:None:`width` is not None, then assume it is the approximate width of the transition region (expressed in the same units as :None:None:`fs`) for use in Kaiser FIR filter design. In this case, the :None:None:`window` argument is ignored.

window : string or tuple of string and parameter values, optional

Desired window to use. See scipy.signal.get_window for a list of windows and required parameters.

pass_zero : {True, False, 'bandpass', 'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandstop'}, optional

If True, the gain at the frequency 0 (i.e., the "DC gain") is 1. If False, the DC gain is 0. Can also be a string argument for the desired filter type (equivalent to btype in IIR design functions).


Support for string arguments.

scale : bool, optional

Set to True to scale the coefficients so that the frequency response is exactly unity at a certain frequency. That frequency is either:

  • 0 (DC) if the first passband starts at 0 (i.e. pass_zero is True)

  • :None:None:`fs/2` (the Nyquist frequency) if the first passband ends at :None:None:`fs/2` (i.e the filter is a single band highpass filter); center of first passband otherwise

nyq : float, optional

Deprecated. Use `fs` instead. This is the Nyquist frequency. Each frequency in :None:None:`cutoff` must be between 0 and :None:None:`nyq`. Default is 1.

fs : float, optional

The sampling frequency of the signal. Each frequency in :None:None:`cutoff` must be between 0 and fs/2 . Default is 2.



If any value in :None:None:`cutoff` is less than or equal to 0 or greater than or equal to fs/2 , if the values in :None:None:`cutoff` are not strictly monotonically increasing, or if :None:None:`numtaps` is even but a passband includes the Nyquist frequency.


h : (numtaps,) ndarray

Coefficients of length :None:None:`numtaps` FIR filter.

FIR filter design using the window method.

See Also



Low-pass from 0 to f:

>>> from scipy import signal
... numtaps = 3
... f = 0.1
... signal.firwin(numtaps, f) array([ 0.06799017, 0.86401967, 0.06799017])

Use a specific window function:

>>> signal.firwin(numtaps, f, window='nuttall')
array([  3.56607041e-04,   9.99286786e-01,   3.56607041e-04])

High-pass ('stop' from 0 to f):

>>> signal.firwin(numtaps, f, pass_zero=False)
array([-0.00859313,  0.98281375, -0.00859313])


>>> f1, f2 = 0.1, 0.2
... signal.firwin(numtaps, [f1, f2], pass_zero=False) array([ 0.06301614, 0.88770441, 0.06301614])


>>> signal.firwin(numtaps, [f1, f2])
array([-0.00801395,  1.0160279 , -0.00801395])

Multi-band (passbands are [0, f1], [f2, f3] and [f4, 1]):

>>> f3, f4 = 0.3, 0.4
... signal.firwin(numtaps, [f1, f2, f3, f4]) array([-0.01376344, 1.02752689, -0.01376344])

Multi-band (passbands are [f1, f2] and [f3,f4]):

>>> signal.firwin(numtaps, [f1, f2, f3, f4], pass_zero=False)
array([ 0.04890915,  0.91284326,  0.04890915])
See :

Back References

The following pages refer to to this document either explicitly or contain code examples using this.

scipy.signal._fir_filter_design.firwin scipy.signal._fir_filter_design.firwin2 scipy.signal._fir_filter_design.remez scipy.signal._fir_filter_design.minimum_phase scipy.signal._signaltools.resample_poly scipy.signal._fir_filter_design.firls scipy.signal._fir_filter_design.kaiserord scipy.signal._filter_design.gammatone scipy.signal._filter_design.freqz scipy.signal._signaltools.oaconvolve

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type: <class 'function'>