knot vector
spline coefficients
spline degree
If True, extrapolates the first and last polynomial pieces of b-spline functions active on the base interval.
Interpolation axis.
A read-only equivalent of (self.t, self.c, self.k)
where $B_{j, k; t}$
are B-spline basis functions of degree k
and knots t
B-spline basis elements are defined via
$$B_{i, 0}(x) = 1, \textrm{if $t_i \le x < t_{i+1}$, otherwise $0$,} B_{i, k}(x) = \frac{x - t_i}{t_{i+k} - t_i} B_{i, k-1}(x) + \frac{t_{i+k+1} - x}{t_{i+k+1} - t_{i+1}} B_{i+1, k-1}(x)$$Implementation details
At least k+1
coefficients are required for a spline of degree k
, so that n >= k+1
. Additional coefficients, c[j]
with j > n
, are ignored.
B-spline basis elements of degree k
form a partition of unity on the base interval, t[k] <= x <= t[n]
spline coefficients
B-spline degree
whether to extrapolate beyond the base interval, t[k] .. t[n]
, or to return nans. If True, extrapolates the first and last polynomial pieces of b-spline functions active on the base interval. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. Default is True.
Interpolation axis. Default is zero.
Univariate spline in the B-spline basis.
Translating the recursive definition of B-splines into Python code, we have:
>>> def B(x, k, i, t):
... if k == 0:
... return 1.0 if t[i] <= x < t[i+1] else 0.0
... if t[i+k] == t[i]:
... c1 = 0.0
... else:
... c1 = (x - t[i])/(t[i+k] - t[i]) * B(x, k-1, i, t)
... if t[i+k+1] == t[i+1]:
... c2 = 0.0
... else:
... c2 = (t[i+k+1] - x)/(t[i+k+1] - t[i+1]) * B(x, k-1, i+1, t)
... return c1 + c2
>>> def bspline(x, t, c, k):
... n = len(t) - k - 1
... assert (n >= k+1) and (len(c) >= n)
... return sum(c[i] * B(x, k, i, t) for i in range(n))
Note that this is an inefficient (if straightforward) way to evaluate B-splines --- this spline class does it in an equivalent, but much more efficient way.
Here we construct a quadratic spline function on the base interval 2 <= x <= 4
and compare with the naive way of evaluating the spline:
>>> from scipy.interpolate import BSpline
... k = 2
... t = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
... c = [-1, 2, 0, -1]
... spl = BSpline(t, c, k)
... spl(2.5) array(1.375)
>>> bspline(2.5, t, c, k) 1.375
Note that outside of the base interval results differ. This is because BSpline
extrapolates the first and last polynomial pieces of B-spline functions active on the base interval.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
... fig, ax = plt.subplots()
... xx = np.linspace(1.5, 4.5, 50)
... ax.plot(xx, [bspline(x, t, c ,k) for x in xx], 'r-', lw=3, label='naive')
... ax.plot(xx, spl(xx), 'b-', lw=4, alpha=0.7, label='BSpline')
... ax.grid(True)
... ax.legend(loc='best')
The following pages refer to to this document either explicitly or contain code examples using this.
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