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quadrature(func, a, b, args=(), tol=1.49e-08, rtol=1.49e-08, maxiter=50, vec_func=True, miniter=1)

Integrate :None:None:`func` from a to b using Gaussian quadrature with absolute tolerance :None:None:`tol`.


func : function

A Python function or method to integrate.

a : float

Lower limit of integration.

b : float

Upper limit of integration.

args : tuple, optional

Extra arguments to pass to function.

tol, rtol : float, optional

Iteration stops when error between last two iterates is less than :None:None:`tol` OR the relative change is less than :None:None:`rtol`.

maxiter : int, optional

Maximum order of Gaussian quadrature.

vec_func : bool, optional

True or False if func handles arrays as arguments (is a "vector" function). Default is True.

miniter : int, optional

Minimum order of Gaussian quadrature.


val : float

Gaussian quadrature approximation (within tolerance) to integral.

err : float

Difference between last two estimates of the integral.

Compute a definite integral using fixed-tolerance Gaussian quadrature.

See Also


cumulative integration for sampled data


double integrals


fixed-order Gaussian quadrature


ODE integrator


ODE integrator


adaptive quadrature using QUADPACK


integrator for sampled data


adaptive Romberg quadrature


integrator for sampled data


triple integrals


>>> from scipy import integrate
... f = lambda x: x**8
... integrate.quadrature(f, 0.0, 1.0) (0.11111111111111106, 4.163336342344337e-17)
>>> print(1/9.0)  # analytical result
>>> integrate.quadrature(np.cos, 0.0, np.pi/2)
(0.9999999999999536, 3.9611425250996035e-11)
>>> np.sin(np.pi/2)-np.sin(0)  # analytical result
See :

Back References

The following pages refer to to this document either explicitly or contain code examples using this.

scipy.integrate._quadrature.simpson scipy.integrate._quadpack_py.dblquad scipy.integrate._quadrature.quadrature scipy.integrate._quadrature.romb scipy.integrate._quadrature.fixed_quad scipy.integrate._quadrature.cumulative_trapezoid scipy.integrate._quadpack_py.quad scipy.integrate._quadrature.vectorize1 scipy.integrate._quadpack_py.nquad scipy.integrate._quadpack_py.tplquad

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All aboves nodes referred to, (or are referred from) current nodes; Edges from Self to other have been omitted (or all nodes would be connected to the central node "self" which is not useful). Nodes are colored by the library they belong to, and scaled with the number of references pointing them

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type: <class 'function'>