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solve_circulant(c, b, singular='raise', tol=None, caxis=-1, baxis=0, outaxis=0)

:None:None:`C` is the circulant matrix associated with the vector c.

The system is solved by doing division in Fourier space. The calculation is:

x = ifft(fft(b) / fft(c))

where fft and ifft are the fast Fourier transform and its inverse, respectively. For a large vector c, this is much faster than solving the system with the full circulant matrix.


For a 1-D vector c with length :None:None:`m`, and an array b with shape (m, ...) ,

solve_circulant(c, b)

returns the same result as

solve(circulant(c), b)

where solve and circulant are from scipy.linalg .



c : array_like

The coefficients of the circulant matrix.

b : array_like

Right-hand side matrix in a x = b .

singular : str, optional

This argument controls how a near singular circulant matrix is handled. If :None:None:`singular` is "raise" and the circulant matrix is near singular, a :None:None:`LinAlgError` is raised. If :None:None:`singular` is "lstsq", the least squares solution is returned. Default is "raise".

tol : float, optional

If any eigenvalue of the circulant matrix has an absolute value that is less than or equal to :None:None:`tol`, the matrix is considered to be near singular. If not given, :None:None:`tol` is set to:

tol = abs_eigs.max() * abs_eigs.size * np.finfo(np.float64).eps

where :None:None:`abs_eigs` is the array of absolute values of the eigenvalues of the circulant matrix.

caxis : int

When c has dimension greater than 1, it is viewed as a collection of circulant vectors. In this case, :None:None:`caxis` is the axis of c that holds the vectors of circulant coefficients.

baxis : int

When b has dimension greater than 1, it is viewed as a collection of vectors. In this case, :None:None:`baxis` is the axis of b that holds the right-hand side vectors.

outaxis : int

When c or b are multidimensional, the value returned by solve_circulant is multidimensional. In this case, :None:None:`outaxis` is the axis of the result that holds the solution vectors.



If the circulant matrix associated with c is near singular.


x : ndarray

Solution to the system C x = b .

Solve C x = b for x, where C is a circulant matrix.

See Also


circulant matrix


>>> from scipy.linalg import solve_circulant, solve, circulant, lstsq
>>> c = np.array([2, 2, 4])
... b = np.array([1, 2, 3])
... solve_circulant(c, b) array([ 0.75, -0.25, 0.25])

Compare that result to solving the system with scipy.linalg.solve :

>>> solve(circulant(c), b)
array([ 0.75, -0.25,  0.25])

A singular example:

>>> c = np.array([1, 1, 0, 0])
... b = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

Calling solve_circulant(c, b) will raise a :None:None:`LinAlgError`. For the least square solution, use the option singular='lstsq' :

>>> solve_circulant(c, b, singular='lstsq')
array([ 0.25,  1.25,  2.25,  1.25])

Compare to scipy.linalg.lstsq :

>>> x, resid, rnk, s = lstsq(circulant(c), b)
... x array([ 0.25, 1.25, 2.25, 1.25])

A broadcasting example:

Suppose we have the vectors of two circulant matrices stored in an array with shape (2, 5), and three b vectors stored in an array with shape (3, 5). For example,

>>> c = np.array([[1.5, 2, 3, 0, 0], [1, 1, 4, 3, 2]])
... b = np.arange(15).reshape(-1, 5)

We want to solve all combinations of circulant matrices and b vectors, with the result stored in an array with shape (2, 3, 5). When we disregard the axes of c and b that hold the vectors of coefficients, the shapes of the collections are (2,) and (3,), respectively, which are not compatible for broadcasting. To have a broadcast result with shape (2, 3), we add a trivial dimension to c: c[:, np.newaxis, :] has shape (2, 1, 5). The last dimension holds the coefficients of the circulant matrices, so when we call solve_circulant , we can use the default caxis=-1 . The coefficients of the b vectors are in the last dimension of the array b, so we use baxis=-1 . If we use the default :None:None:`outaxis`, the result will have shape (5, 2, 3), so we'll use outaxis=-1 to put the solution vectors in the last dimension.

>>> x = solve_circulant(c[:, np.newaxis, :], b, baxis=-1, outaxis=-1)
... x.shape (2, 3, 5)
>>> np.set_printoptions(precision=3)  # For compact output of numbers.
... x array([[[-0.118, 0.22 , 1.277, -0.142, 0.302], [ 0.651, 0.989, 2.046, 0.627, 1.072], [ 1.42 , 1.758, 2.816, 1.396, 1.841]], [[ 0.401, 0.304, 0.694, -0.867, 0.377], [ 0.856, 0.758, 1.149, -0.412, 0.831], [ 1.31 , 1.213, 1.603, 0.042, 1.286]]])

Check by solving one pair of c and b vectors (cf. x[1, 1, :] ):

>>> solve_circulant(c[1], b[1, :])
array([ 0.856,  0.758,  1.149, -0.412,  0.831])
See :

Back References

The following pages refer to to this document either explicitly or contain code examples using this.

scipy.linalg._special_matrices.circulant scipy.linalg._basic.solve_circulant

Local connectivity graph

Hover to see nodes names; edges to Self not shown, Caped at 50 nodes.

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SVG is more flexible but power hungry; and does not scale well to 50 + nodes.

All aboves nodes referred to, (or are referred from) current nodes; Edges from Self to other have been omitted (or all nodes would be connected to the central node "self" which is not useful). Nodes are colored by the library they belong to, and scaled with the number of references pointing them

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type: <class 'function'>