dask 2021.10.0

cumsum(x, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, method='sequential')

This docstring was copied from numpy.cumsum.

Some inconsistencies with the Dask version may exist.

Dask added an additional keyword-only argument method .




Arithmetic is modular when using integer types, and no error is raised on overflow.

cumsum(a)[-1] may not be equal to sum(a) for floating-point values since sum may use a pairwise summation routine, reducing the roundoff-error. See sum for more information.


a : array_like (Not supported in Dask)

Input array.

axis : int, optional

Axis along which the cumulative sum is computed. The default (None) is to compute the cumsum over the flattened array.

dtype : dtype, optional

Type of the returned array and of the accumulator in which the elements are summed. If :None:None:`dtype` is not specified, it defaults to the dtype of a, unless a has an integer dtype with a precision less than that of the default platform integer. In that case, the default platform integer is used.

out : ndarray, optional

Alternative output array in which to place the result. It must have the same shape and buffer length as the expected output but the type will be cast if necessary. See ufuncs-output-type for more details.


cumsum_along_axis : ndarray.

A new array holding the result is returned unless :None:None:`out` is specified, in which case a reference to :None:None:`out` is returned. The result has the same size as a, and the same shape as a if :None:None:`axis` is not None or a is a 1-d array.

Return the cumulative sum of the elements along a given axis.

See Also


Calculate the n-th discrete difference along given axis.


Sum array elements.


Integration of array values using the composite trapezoidal rule.


This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> a = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])  # doctest: +SKIP
... a # doctest: +SKIP array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> np.cumsum(a)  # doctest: +SKIP
array([ 1,  3,  6, 10, 15, 21])
This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> np.cumsum(a, dtype=float)     # specifies type of output value(s)  # doctest: +SKIP
array([  1.,   3.,   6.,  10.,  15.,  21.])
This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> np.cumsum(a,axis=0)      # sum over rows for each of the 3 columns  # doctest: +SKIP
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [5, 7, 9]])
This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> np.cumsum(a,axis=1)      # sum over columns for each of the 2 rows  # doctest: +SKIP
array([[ 1,  3,  6],
       [ 4,  9, 15]])

cumsum(b)[-1] may not be equal to sum(b)

This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> b = np.array([1, 2e-9, 3e-9] * 1000000)  # doctest: +SKIP
... b.cumsum()[-1] # doctest: +SKIP 1000000.0050045159
This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> b.sum()  # doctest: +SKIP
See :

Back References

The following pages refer to to this document either explicitly or contain code examples using this.


Local connectivity graph

Hover to see nodes names; edges to Self not shown, Caped at 50 nodes.

Using a canvas is more power efficient and can get hundred of nodes ; but does not allow hyperlinks; , arrows or text (beyond on hover)

SVG is more flexible but power hungry; and does not scale well to 50 + nodes.

All aboves nodes referred to, (or are referred from) current nodes; Edges from Self to other have been omitted (or all nodes would be connected to the central node "self" which is not useful). Nodes are colored by the library they belong to, and scaled with the number of references pointing them

File: /dask/array/reductions.py#1412
type: <class 'function'>