dask 2021.10.0

make_blockwise_graph(func, output, out_indices, *arrind_pairs, numblocks=None, concatenate=None, new_axes=None, output_blocks=None, dims=None, deserializing=False, func_future_args=None, return_key_deps=False, io_deps=None, **kwargs)

Applies a function, func , across blocks from many different input collections. We arrange the pattern with which those blocks interact with sets of matching indices. E.g.:

make_blockwise_graph(func, 'z', 'i', 'x', 'i', 'y', 'i')

yield an embarrassingly parallel communication pattern and is read as

$$ z_i = func(x_i, y_i) $$

More complex patterns may emerge, including multiple indices:

make_blockwise_graph(func, 'z', 'ij', 'x', 'ij', 'y', 'ji')

$$ z_{ij} = func(x_{ij}, y_{ji}) $$

Indices missing in the output but present in the inputs results in many inputs being sent to one function (see examples).

Tensor operation

See Also



Simple embarrassing map operation

This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> inc = lambda x: x + 1
... make_blockwise_graph(inc, 'z', 'ij', 'x', 'ij', numblocks={'x': (2, 2)}) # doctest: +SKIP {('z', 0, 0): (inc, ('x', 0, 0)), ('z', 0, 1): (inc, ('x', 0, 1)), ('z', 1, 0): (inc, ('x', 1, 0)), ('z', 1, 1): (inc, ('x', 1, 1))}

Simple operation on two datasets

This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> add = lambda x, y: x + y
... make_blockwise_graph(add, 'z', 'ij', 'x', 'ij', 'y', 'ij', numblocks={'x': (2, 2),
...  'y': (2, 2)}) # doctest: +SKIP {('z', 0, 0): (add, ('x', 0, 0), ('y', 0, 0)), ('z', 0, 1): (add, ('x', 0, 1), ('y', 0, 1)), ('z', 1, 0): (add, ('x', 1, 0), ('y', 1, 0)), ('z', 1, 1): (add, ('x', 1, 1), ('y', 1, 1))}

Operation that flips one of the datasets

This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> addT = lambda x, y: x + y.T  # Transpose each chunk
... # z_ij ~ x_ij y_ji
... # .. .. .. notice swap
... make_blockwise_graph(addT, 'z', 'ij', 'x', 'ij', 'y', 'ji', numblocks={'x': (2, 2),
...  'y': (2, 2)}) # doctest: +SKIP {('z', 0, 0): (add, ('x', 0, 0), ('y', 0, 0)), ('z', 0, 1): (add, ('x', 0, 1), ('y', 1, 0)), ('z', 1, 0): (add, ('x', 1, 0), ('y', 0, 1)), ('z', 1, 1): (add, ('x', 1, 1), ('y', 1, 1))}

Dot product with contraction over j index. Yields list arguments

This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> make_blockwise_graph(dotmany, 'z', 'ik', 'x', 'ij', 'y', 'jk', numblocks={'x': (2, 2),
...  'y': (2, 2)}) # doctest: +SKIP {('z', 0, 0): (dotmany, [('x', 0, 0), ('x', 0, 1)], [('y', 0, 0), ('y', 1, 0)]), ('z', 0, 1): (dotmany, [('x', 0, 0), ('x', 0, 1)], [('y', 0, 1), ('y', 1, 1)]), ('z', 1, 0): (dotmany, [('x', 1, 0), ('x', 1, 1)], [('y', 0, 0), ('y', 1, 0)]), ('z', 1, 1): (dotmany, [('x', 1, 0), ('x', 1, 1)], [('y', 0, 1), ('y', 1, 1)])}

Pass concatenate=True to concatenate arrays ahead of time

This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> make_blockwise_graph(f, 'z', 'i', 'x', 'ij', 'y', 'ij', concatenate=True,
...  numblocks={'x': (2, 2), 'y': (2, 2,)}) # doctest: +SKIP {('z', 0): (f, (concatenate_axes, [('x', 0, 0), ('x', 0, 1)], (1,)), (concatenate_axes, [('y', 0, 0), ('y', 0, 1)], (1,))) ('z', 1): (f, (concatenate_axes, [('x', 1, 0), ('x', 1, 1)], (1,)), (concatenate_axes, [('y', 1, 0), ('y', 1, 1)], (1,)))}

Supports Broadcasting rules

This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> make_blockwise_graph(add, 'z', 'ij', 'x', 'ij', 'y', 'ij', numblocks={'x': (1, 2),
...  'y': (2, 2)}) # doctest: +SKIP {('z', 0, 0): (add, ('x', 0, 0), ('y', 0, 0)), ('z', 0, 1): (add, ('x', 0, 1), ('y', 0, 1)), ('z', 1, 0): (add, ('x', 0, 0), ('y', 1, 0)), ('z', 1, 1): (add, ('x', 0, 1), ('y', 1, 1))}

Support keyword arguments with apply

This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> def f(a, b=0): return a + b
... make_blockwise_graph(f, 'z', 'i', 'x', 'i', numblocks={'x': (2,)}, b=10) # doctest: +SKIP {('z', 0): (apply, f, [('x', 0)], {'b': 10}), ('z', 1): (apply, f, [('x', 1)], {'b': 10})}

Include literals by indexing with None

This example is valid syntax, but we were not able to check execution
>>> make_blockwise_graph(add, 'z', 'i', 'x', 'i', 100, None,  numblocks={'x': (2,)})  # doctest: +SKIP
{('z', 0): (add, ('x', 0), 100),
 ('z', 1): (add, ('x', 1), 100)}
See :

Back References

The following pages refer to to this document either explicitly or contain code examples using this.

dask.blockwise.Blockwise dask.blockwise.make_blockwise_graph dask.blockwise._get_coord_mapping

Local connectivity graph

Hover to see nodes names; edges to Self not shown, Caped at 50 nodes.

Using a canvas is more power efficient and can get hundred of nodes ; but does not allow hyperlinks; , arrows or text (beyond on hover)

SVG is more flexible but power hungry; and does not scale well to 50 + nodes.

All aboves nodes referred to, (or are referred from) current nodes; Edges from Self to other have been omitted (or all nodes would be connected to the central node "self" which is not useful). Nodes are colored by the library they belong to, and scaled with the number of references pointing them

File: /dask/blockwise.py#878
type: <class 'function'>