matplotlib 3.5.1

>>> """
Annotated Cursor

Display a data cursor including a text box, which shows the plot point close
to the mouse pointer.

The new cursor inherits from `~matplotlib.widgets.Cursor` and demonstrates the
creation of new widgets and their event callbacks.

See also the :doc:`cross hair cursor
</gallery/misc/cursor_demo>`, which implements a cursor tracking the plotted
data, but without using inheritance and without displaying the currently
tracked coordinates.

.. note::
    The figure related to this example does not show the cursor, because that
    figure is automatically created in a build queue, where the first mouse
    movement, which triggers the cursor creation, is missing.

... from matplotlib.widgets import Cursor
... import numpy as np
... import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
... class AnnotatedCursor(Cursor):
...  """ A crosshair cursor like `~matplotlib.widgets.Cursor` with a text showing \ the current coordinates. For the cursor to remain responsive you must keep a reference to it. The data of the axis specified as *dataaxis* must be in ascending order. Otherwise, the `numpy.searchsorted` call might fail and the text disappears. You can satisfy the requirement by sorting the data you plot. Usually the data is already sorted (if it was created e.g. using `numpy.linspace`), but e.g. scatter plots might cause this problem. The cursor sticks to the plotted line. Parameters ---------- line : `matplotlib.lines.Line2D` The plot line from which the data coordinates are displayed. numberformat : `python format string <\ library/string.html#formatstrings>`_, optional, default: "{0:.4g};{1:.4g}" The displayed text is created by calling *format()* on this string with the two coordinates. offset : (float, float) default: (5, 5) The offset in display (pixel) coordinates of the text position relative to the cross hair. dataaxis : {"x", "y"}, optional, default: "x" If "x" is specified, the vertical cursor line sticks to the mouse pointer. The horizontal cursor line sticks to *line* at that x value. The text shows the data coordinates of *line* at the pointed x value. If you specify "y", it works in the opposite manner. But: For the "y" value, where the mouse points to, there might be multiple matching x values, if the plotted function is not biunique. Cursor and text coordinate will always refer to only one x value. So if you use the parameter value "y", ensure that your function is biunique. Other Parameters ---------------- textprops : `matplotlib.text` properties as dictionary Specifies the appearance of the rendered text object. **cursorargs : `matplotlib.widgets.Cursor` properties Arguments passed to the internal `~matplotlib.widgets.Cursor` instance. The `matplotlib.axes.Axes` argument is mandatory! The parameter *useblit* can be set to *True* in order to achieve faster rendering. """
...  def __init__(self, line, numberformat="{0:.4g};{1:.4g}", offset=(5, 5),
...  dataaxis='x', textprops={}, **cursorargs):
...  # The line object, for which the coordinates are displayed
...  self.line = line
...  # The format string, on which .format() is called for creating the text
...  self.numberformat = numberformat
...  # Text position offset
...  self.offset = np.array(offset)
...  # The axis in which the cursor position is looked up
...  self.dataaxis = dataaxis
...  # First call baseclass constructor.
...  # Draws cursor and remembers background for blitting.
...  # Saves ax as class attribute.
...  super().__init__(**cursorargs)
...  # Default value for position of text.
...  self.set_position(self.line.get_xdata()[0], self.line.get_ydata()[0])
...  # Create invisible animated text
...  self.text =
...  "0, 0",
...  animated=bool(self.useblit),
...  visible=False, **textprops)
...  # The position at which the cursor was last drawn
...  self.lastdrawnplotpoint = None
...  def onmove(self, event):
...  """ Overridden draw callback for cursor. Called when moving the mouse. """
...  # Leave method under the same conditions as in overridden method
...  if self.ignore(event):
...  self.lastdrawnplotpoint = None
...  return
...  if not self.canvas.widgetlock.available(self):
...  self.lastdrawnplotpoint = None
...  return
...  # If the mouse left drawable area, we now make the text invisible.
...  # Baseclass will redraw complete canvas after, which makes both text
...  # and cursor disappear.
...  if event.inaxes !=
...  self.lastdrawnplotpoint = None
...  self.text.set_visible(False)
...  super().onmove(event)
...  return
...  # Get the coordinates, which should be displayed as text,
...  # if the event coordinates are valid.
...  plotpoint = None
...  if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None:
...  # Get plot point related to current x position.
...  # These coordinates are displayed in text.
...  plotpoint = self.set_position(event.xdata, event.ydata)
...  # Modify event, such that the cursor is displayed on the
...  # plotted line, not at the mouse pointer,
...  # if the returned plot point is valid
...  if plotpoint is not None:
...  event.xdata = plotpoint[0]
...  event.ydata = plotpoint[1]
...  # If the plotpoint is given, compare to last drawn plotpoint and
...  # return if they are the same.
...  # Skip even the call of the base class, because this would restore the
...  # background, draw the cursor lines and would leave us the job to
...  # re-draw the text.
...  if plotpoint is not None and plotpoint == self.lastdrawnplotpoint:
...  return
...  # Baseclass redraws canvas and cursor. Due to blitting,
...  # the added text is removed in this call, because the
...  # background is redrawn.
...  super().onmove(event)
...  # Check if the display of text is still necessary.
...  # If not, just return.
...  # This behaviour is also cloned from the base class.
...  if not self.get_active() or not self.visible:
...  return
...  # Draw the widget, if event coordinates are valid.
...  if plotpoint is not None:
...  # Update position and displayed text.
...  # Position: Where the event occurred.
...  # Text: Determined by set_position() method earlier
...  # Position is transformed to pixel coordinates,
...  # an offset is added there and this is transformed back.
...  temp = [event.xdata, event.ydata]
...  temp =
...  temp = temp + self.offset
...  temp =
...  self.text.set_position(temp)
...  self.text.set_text(self.numberformat.format(*plotpoint))
...  self.text.set_visible(self.visible)
...  # Tell base class, that we have drawn something.
...  # Baseclass needs to know, that it needs to restore a clean
...  # background, if the cursor leaves our figure context.
...  self.needclear = True
...  # Remember the recently drawn cursor position, so events for the
...  # same position (mouse moves slightly between two plot points)
...  # can be skipped
...  self.lastdrawnplotpoint = plotpoint
...  # otherwise, make text invisible
...  else:
...  self.text.set_visible(False)
...  # Draw changes. Cannot use _update method of baseclass,
...  # because it would first restore the background, which
...  # is done already and is not necessary.
...  if self.useblit:
...  self.canvas.blit(
...  else:
...  # If blitting is deactivated, the overridden _update call made
...  # by the base class immediately returned.
...  # We still have to draw the changes.
...  self.canvas.draw_idle()
...  def set_position(self, xpos, ypos):
...  """ Finds the coordinates, which have to be shown in text. The behaviour depends on the *dataaxis* attribute. Function looks up the matching plot coordinate for the given mouse position. Parameters ---------- xpos : float The current x position of the cursor in data coordinates. Important if *dataaxis* is set to 'x'. ypos : float The current y position of the cursor in data coordinates. Important if *dataaxis* is set to 'y'. Returns ------- ret : {2D array-like, None} The coordinates which should be displayed. *None* is the fallback value. """
...  # Get plot line data
...  xdata = self.line.get_xdata()
...  ydata = self.line.get_ydata()
...  # The dataaxis attribute decides, in which axis we look up which cursor
...  # coordinate.
...  if self.dataaxis == 'x':
...  pos = xpos
...  data = xdata
...  lim =
...  elif self.dataaxis == 'y':
...  pos = ypos
...  data = ydata
...  lim =
...  else:
...  raise ValueError(f"The data axis specifier {self.dataaxis} should "
...  f"be 'x' or 'y'")
...  # If position is valid and in valid plot data range.
...  if pos is not None and lim[0] <= pos <= lim[-1]:
...  # Find closest x value in sorted x vector.
...  # This requires the plotted data to be sorted.
...  index = np.searchsorted(data, pos)
...  # Return none, if this index is out of range.
...  if index < 0 or index >= len(data):
...  return None
...  # Return plot point as tuple.
...  return (xdata[index], ydata[index])
...  # Return none if there is no good related point for this x position.
...  return None
...  def clear(self, event):
...  """ Overridden clear callback for cursor, called before drawing the figure. """
...  # The base class saves the clean background for blitting.
...  # Text and cursor are invisible,
...  # until the first mouse move event occurs.
...  super().clear(event)
...  if self.ignore(event):
...  return
...  self.text.set_visible(False)
...  def _update(self):
...  """ Overridden method for either blitting or drawing the widget canvas. Passes call to base class if blitting is activated, only. In other cases, one draw_idle call is enough, which is placed explicitly in this class (see *onmove()*). In that case, `~matplotlib.widgets.Cursor` is not supposed to draw something using this method. """
...  if self.useblit:
...  super()._update()
... fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
... ax.set_title("Cursor Tracking x Position")
... x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
... y = x**2
... line, = ax.plot(x, y)
... ax.set_xlim(-5, 5)
... ax.set_ylim(0, 25)
... # A minimum call
... # Set useblit=True on most backends for enhanced performance
... # and pass the ax parameter to the Cursor base class.
... # cursor = AnnotatedCursor(line=lin[0], ax=ax, useblit=True)
... # A more advanced call. Properties for text and lines are passed.
... # Watch the passed color names and the color of cursor line and text, to
... # relate the passed options to graphical elements.
... # The dataaxis parameter is still the default.
... cursor = AnnotatedCursor(
...  line=line,
...  numberformat="{0:.2f}\n{1:.2f}",
...  dataaxis='x', offset=[10, 10],
...  textprops={'color': 'blue', 'fontweight': 'bold'},
...  ax=ax,
...  useblit=True,
...  color='red',
...  linewidth=2)
... ###############################################################################
... # Trouble with non-biunique functions
... # -----------------------------------
... # A call demonstrating problems with the *dataaxis=y* parameter.
... # The text now looks up the matching x value for the current cursor y position
... # instead of vice versa. Hover your cursor to y=4. There are two x values
... # producing this y value: -2 and 2. The function is only unique,
... # but not biunique. Only one value is shown in the text.
... fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
... ax.set_title("Cursor Tracking y Position")
... line, = ax.plot(x, y)
... ax.set_xlim(-5, 5)
... ax.set_ylim(0, 25)
... cursor = AnnotatedCursor(
...  line=line,
...  numberformat="{0:.2f}\n{1:.2f}",
...  dataaxis='y', offset=[10, 10],
...  textprops={'color': 'blue', 'fontweight': 'bold'},
...  ax=ax,
...  useblit=True,
...  color='red', linewidth=2)